Moving can be expensive, especially those who fail to plan out the process ahead of time. While longer moves typically involve higher expenses, there are still plenty of tips and tricks that can help to keep costs from getting out of hand. Outlining all costs involved and creating a rough budget can be an essential step when planning a long-distance or cross-country move.
Packing Materials
While boxes, tape, and other packing materials play a vital role in any move, they can be especially important when relocating across the country. While you may be able to skate by with a rushed and hurried packing job when moving across town, trying your luck on a long-distance move can be a costly mistake. Always budget a little when it comes to packing for a cross country move. The peace of mind that comes from knowing your belongings are safe and secure can be well worth it.

Storage and Moving Services
While relocating within the city can be done with little more than a borrowed pickup, shipping your household across the country will require several additional resources. Storing items off-site while packing and prepping a move or paying to have them shipped independently by a mail, freight, or surface transport service may entail a range of costs that can quickly add up. Making separate storage or shipping arrangements for fragile items or those that may be tricky to transport is a typical expense when planning a long-distance move. Try going with an all-in-one moving company that also offers storage-in-transit. This is going to be the most efficient and cost-effective method of moving because the company can pick up, store, and then deliver your items. With an all-in-one company, you won’t have to go through the hassle of getting all of your stuff to a storage unit.

Fuel and Transport Costs
Filling up a rented moving truck is rarely cheap, especially for those who will need to make multiple stops on the way to their destination. While there are plenty of ways to stretch your fuel dollar when driving a moving truck, the final costs are likely to remain higher than you might prefer. It will be best if you also consider additional expenses like toll roads to ensure a more accurate budget.

Lodging and Overnight Accommodations
A long-haul move can often be too much to deal with in one shot. Even those who plan on taking turns behind the wheel can find themselves feeling worn out and road-weary much sooner than they would have expected. Hotel stays, hot meals, and rest stops are another expense category that you need to take into account. While trying to pull off a cross-country move with nothing more than a sack lunch and a sleeping bag may seem like an economical option, budgeting for restaurants and hotel reservations can prove to be the wiser approach.

Unexpected Costs
While there are plenty of ways to plan a more affordable move, there is simply no accounting for the unexpected. From a flat tire to a raid delay, any number of issues that may crop up during your move could end up placing additional strain on your budget and financial resources. Adding a little extra to your final estimate can provide you with the flexibility and leeway needed to deal with any last-minute compilations without having to worry about breaking the bank.